Take a Tour of Our Church
Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Lafayette (2319 Johnston Street) has become a Shrine of the Fatima message. The Statuary in Church “tells the story” of Fatima, including relics of the holmoak tree on which Our Lady appeared and a first class relic of St. John Paul II, the “bishop in white” of the third secret. There is an outdoor Pathway of the Little Shepherds which outlines the story of Fatima in detail, and a 15 minute documentary film which powerfully teaches Our Lady’s message and the manner in which her prophecies all came to pass in the 20th century.
Arrange a Tour
We invite you to make a “pilgrimage” to Our Lady of Fatima to visit the Church, and to view the Fatima film. Scheduled “tours” can be arranged by DD McElligott from the Parish Office, 337.232.8945 X123. |
Our Lady of Fatima
2319 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503 Phone: (337) 232-8945 Fax: (337) 232-0323 office@fatimalafayette.org |