Welcome to the Family!
We are “The Chinese Culture & Gospel Community.”
我们是 “中国⽂化与福音社团”
What are we about?
我们的宗旨是什么? We enjoy gathering in a family friendly environment with people of Chinese Speaking Heritage or those who like the Chinese languages and traditions, and we beautify our culture even more by the teachings of Christ. 我们喜欢以家庭式的友好环境里与华裔或喜爱中国⽂化 传统及语⾔的⼤众相聚,并通过基督的教导进⼀步美化 我们的⽂化。 We particularly celebrate God’s love for each of us in how we support one another to know Him more, experience freedom from our sins, and prepare for eternal life. 我们特别颂扬天主对我们每个⼈的爱,我们互相支持, 去更多的认识祂,体验从罪恶中解脱的自由,为永⽣做 好准备。 Who can join? 谁可以参加? All are welcome to our gatherings ! 我们欢迎所有⼈参加我们的聚会! What if I am not Catholic or even am sure that I believe in God? 如果我不是天主教徒,甚⾄不确定自⼰是否信仰天主, 那该怎么办? All are welcome, whether you believe in God or not, are Christian or not. There is no pressure placed on anyone. ⽆论你信不信天主,是不是基督徒,我们都欢迎。我们 不会给任何⼈施加压⼒。 May I ask questions? 我可以问问题吗? Of course, we would really like to hear your questions. Hearing questions and listening to the answers are how we learn from each other. 当然可以,我们非常希望听到你们的问题。聆听问题和 聆听答案是我们互相学习的⽅式。 What do you all do? 我们都做些什么? We have fun as a family teaching each other about our customs, reading and discussing Sacred Scripture (The Bible: God’s love letter to us) and enjoy different activities such as Chinese music, traditional food preparation, Lunar New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, games, etc. 我们如⼀家⼈其乐融融互相学习彼此的风俗习惯,阅读 和讨论聖经经⽂(圣经:天主写给我们的情书),欣赏中 国音乐,学作传统美食 ,庆祝传统的節日,如农历新年, 中秋节,和玩游戏,等等。 What if I do not have a Bible or do not know how to use one? 如果我没有圣经或不知道如何使用圣经怎么办? If you would like, simply let us know, and we will happily give you one and help you learn how. 如果您愿意,只需告诉我们,我们很乐意为您提供⼀本, 并帮助您学习如何使用。 |
When do we gather?
我们何时聚会? Normally, we gather every First Saturday from 6:15pm until about 8:30 or 9pm, in Knight Hall here at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, 2319 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503. 我们通常会在每月第⼀个礼拜六的6:15 PM ⾄ 8:30 PM 或 9:00 PM 在法蒂玛圣母天主堂的骑⼠厅(Knight Hall)聚会。 Sometimes we meet on special occasions such as for Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, Feast of the Chinese Martyrs, etc.
有时,我们会在中秋节,中国农历新年,中华殉道圣⼈ 瞻礼日等特殊日⼦聚会。 Finally, if you would like to come to our gatherings but are not able to meet on Saturdays, please let us know. We look forward to hearing when you are available to visit! 最后,如果您想参加我们的聚会,但不能在礼拜六,请 告诉我们。我们期待着听到您何时可以來! What if I have to work late or have to leave early? 如果我必须⼯作到很晚或必须早点离开怎么办? Our timing is fluid. If you can only come for a few minutes or you have to come late or leave early. No problem. We look forward to seeing you no matter what. 我们的时间很灵活。如果您只能来⼏分钟,或者您必须 迟到或早退,没问题。⽆论如何,我们都期待您的光临。 What if I do not speak English well? 如果我的英语说得不好怎么办? No problem, there are many who speak Mandarin as their first language. 没问题,很多⼈的母语是講普通话的。 What if I do not speak Mandarin well? 如果我的普通话说得不好怎么办? No problem, there are many who speak English well or as their first language. 没问题,很多⼈都能说⼀⼝流利的英语或以英语为母语的。 |
Father David M. Rozas (罗士杰 神父) St. Joseph Church 1034 Bridge Street Parks, LA 70582 Phone (If in Mandarin, please text 337- 845 - 4168) (If in English you may call or text 337-845-4168) 联络: 罗⼠杰 神⽗ Father David M. Rozas 法蒂玛圣母天主堂 St. Joseph Church 1034 Bridge Street Parks, LA 70582 普通话者: 请用中⽂短信联络 337-845-4168 英语: 请打337-845-4168 或英⽂短信联络 About Father David M. Rozas (罗士杰 神父) He is Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Louis Chapel in Parks, LA. 罗⼠杰 神⽗ (Father David M. Rozas) 现仼圣若瑟天主堂和圣路易堂 (St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Louis Chapel in Parks, La) 本堂神⽗ |
Join Us!
Our Lady of Fatima
2319 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503 Phone: (337) 232-8945 Fax: (337) 232-0323 office@fatimalafayette.org |